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Lightning, camera, gamma ray!


This page originally appeared on @THEU In September 2021, an unprecedented thunderstorm blew across Utah’s West Desert. Lightning from this storm produced at least six gamma ray flashes that beamed downward to Earth’s surface and activated detectors at the University of Utah-led Telescope Array. The storm was noteworthy on its own—the array usually clocks one […]

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This page originally appeared on @Science Friday & @CoS  Around 30 years ago, scientists in Utah were monitoring the skies for cosmic rays when they detected a surprising particle. It struck the atmosphere with much more energy than they had previously seen—enough energy to cause the researchers to dub it the “Oh My God Particle.” […]

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Telescope Array detects second highest-energy cosmic ray ever


This page originally appeared on @THEU In 1991, the University of Utah Fly’s Eye experiment detected the highest-energy cosmic ray ever observed. Later dubbed the Oh-My-God particle, the cosmic ray’s energy shocked astrophysicists. Nothing in our galaxy had the power to produce it, and the particle had more energy than was theoretically possible for cosmic […]

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First Detection of Heavy Element From Star Merger


This page originally appeared on @THEU & Adapted from NASA Webb Space Telescope. “We only know of a handful of kilonovas with any certainty, and this is only the second one for which we have such detailed spectral information” said Tanmoy Laskar, assistant professor at the University of Utah, of the first detection of we have of […]

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Queering STEM Education Research


This page originally appeared on @THEU The National Science Foundation has awarded University of Utah researchers $1.25 million for Queering STEM Education Research, a pioneering program to recruit and train postdoctoral researchers to explore marginalization in STEM disciplines from a queer theory perspective. One way academia has tried to understand inclusion in STEM-related fields is through […]

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This page originally appeared on @THEU & CoS “It’s like when you make a circle with your fingers and close oneeye. When you move your hand closer to your face, the circle gets bigger. “ This is what Paul Ricketts has to say about the upcoming eclipse on Saturday October 14. “This will be a […]

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This page originally appeared on Slash Gear & CoS Below the snow-covered peaks of the Andes Mountains, among scattered rocks and the scrub of prairie bushes, there sits at this very moment a 12-ton polyethylene tank holding 3,000 gallons of pure water. All around it, spread out in every direction over an area nearly the size […]

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Project with Utah leadership honored for outstanding contribution to cosmology


This page originally appeared on @THEU The High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) held its award ceremony at their annual conference on August 21, 2023, where they honored the field’s most influential research projects. The SDSS/BOSS/eBOSS collaboration won the Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize for an outstanding contribution to […]

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Gravitational waves thrum through the cosmos


This page originally appeared on @THEU On June 28, dozens of astronomy enthusiasts gathered on the University of Utah campus to watch a live stream of a mysterious announcement. For weeks prior, scientists on Twitter, TikTok and IRL were abuzz with anticipation, awaiting results from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves’ (NANOGrav) 15 […]

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New Applied Sciences Building Progress


This project is important to the University and will provide new and updated space to serve the University of Utah’s educational and research mission.  It will serve as the new home for the Departments of Physics & Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, focusing on aerospace, semiconductor technology, biotechnology, data science, hazardous weather forecasting, and air quality. […]

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